

          What's in God's Warehouse?

      GOD!   (and His People of course)

“For where two or three are gathered together

in my name, there I am in the midst of them.”

                                 Matthew 18:20

A warehouse is a place you store stuff, 

and a warehouse is a place you get stuff.  

In our case, it's God’s stuff!  


  SO WHAT DO YOU NEED  from God Warehouse?  

       -  The TRUTH about things in life, marriage, kids, money, life after death, etc? 

       -  That gentle warm feeling that comes with HIS PRESENCE?

       -  A kick in the butt (ENCOURAGEMENT) to get motivated to seek Him?

       -  I realy need (fill in the blank) __________________________.

  SO WHAT DO YOU HAVE  for God’s Warehouse?  

       -  A unique GIFT that can bless others and glorify God?

        -  A passion to PRAISE AND WORSHIP God?

       -  The conviction to EARNESTLY PRAY for people?

       -  I think I have (fill in the blank) __________________________?


So if your lifes "shopping cart” is empty, come fill it with the things of God, 

And if your lifes "shopping cart” is full, then come share what you have from God. 


david rroshau.com@gmail.com     © David L. Roshau 2017  Eugene, Oregon